Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Yoga for Fitness

All types of exercise improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.  Performing many different forms of exercise can prevent boredom, help reduce overuse injuries, and keep you challenged.  “Yoga is a popular mind-body exercise focusing on muscular work and an internally directed mindful focus on awareness of the self, the breath, and energy” (Woodyard, 2011).  Yoga requires mental focus and discipline to enhance one’s skills. 

Improved flexibility is one of the major benefits of yoga.   With continued practice muscles and connective tissue lengthen which increases a joint’s range of motion.  Yoga also challenges balance and improves mobility in older adults (Tiedemann, O’Rourke, Sesto, Sherrington, 2013).  This is particularly important because adults 65 and older are more prone to falls which are the leading cause of death from injury (Shumway-Cook, Gruber, Baldwin, & Liao, 1997).  The benefits of yoga are not just physical.  Yoga inspires those who practice to relax and slow one’s breath helping to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress (Woodyard, 2011). 
Yoga is non-competitive and may be practiced by all.  However, those who regularly participate in high-intensity exercise may find it challenging to yoga’s slower pace, but give it a try.  The more you practice yoga the more benefits you’ll gain! 

Shumway-Cook, A., Gruber, W., Baldwin, M., & Liao, S. (1997). Mobility, and fall risk in
     community-dwelling older adults. Retrieved from:

Tiedemann, A., O’Rourke, S., Sesto, R., & Sherrington, C. (2013). A 12-week iyengar yoga      program improved balance and mobility in older community-dwelling people: a      pilot randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Gerontology.  68  (9):  1068-1075. 
Woodyard, C. (2011). Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and it’s ability to increase quality of life. International Journal of Yoga. Jul-Dec 4 (2), 59-54

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Making the Most of 2015!

Happy New Year!  Start 2015 with a clean slate!  While you may not have accomplished all you wanted in 2014, now is the perfect time to reassess old goals and/or make new ones.  After determining your goals, it’s time to strategize and determine how you’re going to reach them. 

Not surprisingly, year after year the number one New Year’s resolution is weight loss!  The easiest way to reach your desired weight is to set small incremental goals.  For instance, instead of trying to lose 20 pounds in a month you will be more successful with a goal of one to two pounds per week.  The smaller weekly goals are more easily attainable when you have a plan of action.  Following are some suggestions to help you create better eating habits and support weight loss during the month of January:

§  Eat at least one piece of fruit and two vegetables every day (e.g., salad and soups are easy ways to include more vegetables).  Gradually increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables until reaching approximately 1 ½ - 2 cups of fruit per day and 2 ½ - 3 cups of vegetables per day (see   

§  Use a smaller plate – the bigger the plate the more you eat!  Reducing portion size is a key element in creating a healthy dietary lifestyle.

§  Do not purchase packaged crackers, cookies, or chips during the month of January.

§  Eat ONE small handful of nuts a day (no bigger than your palm).

§  Eat fish at least once a week – it’s easier to cook than you think! 

§  Stop drinking sodas and fancy coffee drinks (they’re loaded with sugar) – drink water and you’ll find you like it!

§  Cook more meals at home – salads count! 

§  Use a crock pot!  It’s a great way to have a meal waiting for you when you get home from work.

If you have a day where you revert to bad habits, don’t beat yourself up; just realize you had a slip-up and get back on track.  Don’t let one meal affect your entire day.  Over time your new eating habits will become automatic and you will be encouraged to find further improvements.